.Spring Fashion will be in fashion gray hair

Many of the fair sex tend to look perfect. According to them, for the main image is the hairstyle. Spring fashion dictates the color of the hair in this year. Stylists say that the main priority is to give shades of gray and silver, as the fashion haired girl. Models have appeared on the podium in a form on the show in Madrid
. Many critics believe that such homage is paid to the older generation. However, some believe that this color represents the era of austerity.
All the ladies who were on the podium the new collection, have smooth hair gray. Some were braided in her hair, someone has taken away the tail. And the shade of gray is also evident in the clothes. Spring fashion will be a neutral color such as white, black. This is not the first attempt to enter the fashion black. In 2010 an attempt made famous designer Calvin Klein. Critics differently attributed to this fashion trend.
Most of the view that the way the designer tried to break the taboo in women's fashion. In addition, if the fair sex want to pursue fashion trends, but are not ready so radically change the color of the hair, that is a huge variety of colors of the wig. So first you can try on false hair, and then decide whether they should be painted, or is it possible to restrict such a conservative method. It all depends on individual preferences ladies



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